Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God!

By Betty Hertz, St. John Lay Leader

I heard these words twice in less than 24 hours … hmm? Message from God? I asked myself, “How am I living this? When was the last time I was still so I could know God?”

“Be still.” As I reflected on this, my mind went to dog obedience trials. One exercise required the dogs to do a down stay in the ring for 5 minutes while the handlers were out of sight. That memory caused me to wonder when have I done a 5-minute stay?

My life is full of noise, communication, and other stuff. Lent is a time to declutter and focus on God. By taking time to be still, I acknowledge God’s power and God’s plan for me.

The words from the hymn Come and Find the Quiet Center (TFWS p.2128) provide me guidance:

“Clear the chaos and the clutter,

Clear our eyes that we can see

All the things that really matter,

be at peace and simply be.”

The words “ clear chaos, clutter, and simply be” speak to me this week.

How can I be still and simply be? An exercise I am using comes from The God We Can Know by Rob Fuquay. Perhaps it will help you also.

Using Psalm 46, pause after each set of words. Be silent for 90 seconds, then move on to the next statement.

“Be still, and know that I am God.”

 “Be still, and know that I am.”

 “Be still and know.”

 “Be still.”


 What is God saying to you?

 Creator God,

We thank you for your patience as we try to simply be.

May we feel your presence as we try to calm the chaos and clear the clutter of our lives.

Fill this newfound space with your words.

Guide us in new actions that reflect your plans for us.

In Jesus’ name,
