By Karen Biggs, St. John Stephen Minister
Psalm 84:12
“Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you.”
For survival reasons we are hardwired to be wary and skeptical of those who might cause us harm; we hesitate to trust strangers. Unfortunately, I catch myself treating God this way, too, wary and skeptical of what He’s doing here on earth. Even though I have evidence of His love and goodness in the beautiful creation around me, and I know of His self-giving agape love for me, for us, and I know God actually IS love, I can still feel overwhelmed by the state of the world. One thing or another grabs my chin and turns my face away from Him and towards fear, worry, and doubt. Deep-down, however, I yearn to rest in Him, to really trust that He is here and we will be okay no matter what happens because Love wins in the end — and however that looks in eternity, I believe it will be mind-blowingly good. When the next stormy wave crashes onto the scene, I pray that wave turns my chin towards God, and I not only rest peacefully in His providence and love, but also sing praise to Him for this amazing gift of life and seek out new ways to do God-honoring good on this spectacular planet Earth.
Trust You
I want to trust You
But, surfing the waves of my mind
I loop and loop again with logic and reason,
Wondering where You are in this watery world,
Scanning for You across the horizon.
I want to trust You.
I’m trying to trust You,
Step one: admit that I need You,
That I’m shipwrecked without You,
That You’re the ballast that steadies my boat.
I want to trust You,
In the midst of pandemonium,
Somehow You are working it out in the end, for good.
Unseeable now, as I duck and cover.
Praying the All-Knowing One ever-cares.
I want to trust You,
When I am distant and adrift on a desert sea,
Waiting and waiting for the One with living water
To draw me to shore and quench my thirst
With a spring bubbling up to forever-life.
I want to trust You,
When I don’t see any point to it all,
When the suffering seems senseless.
Your thoughts are not my thoughts,
Your ways are not my ways.
I want to trust You,
When you say, “No,” and I rage.
My timing is not Your timing.
Your will looks like a tempest,
Yet You lead me by still waters and restore my soul.
I want to trust You,
When I’m battered by brokenness,
When the sadness spills over and wants to sink me.
You tell me, “I’ve got this, I’m with you.
I’m always with you. I love you.”
I want to trust You,
With this life, just a flash in time.
Your plan, I can scarcely understand.
Your love, swallowing me whole
Rescuing me from swells of doubt.
I want to trust You,
To float on the sea of perfect peace,
Fused with the One who never forsakes,
Wedded to the One who never leaves,
My ephemeral control left to drift.
I want to trust You,
To cast all my careening cares upon You
Because You calm the storm with just a Word.
My fate secure, my future held.
“It is well. All is well.”
Dearest Lord, praise be to You for You are trustworthy. Open our hearts and minds to trust in Your love, Your plan, and the bright eternal future we have in You. Guide us in doing good in the world today and loving all people. Amen.