Music at St. John


Sing with the St. John Choir!

The sanctuary choir rehearses at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays. For more information, contact James Wardlaw-Bailey.

Praise Band

Pre-COVID praise band … ah, those were the days :)

Our 11:30 service worship leaders are Mark Chase and Keri DeBoer, and Sarah Cleary.

Our praise band literally ROCKS! Do you love singing along with them on Sundays but are not sure how the song goes? Well, now you can practice ahead of time! Our band leaders will be posting Sunday's songs on a Spotify list a few days before worship. You'll need a Spotify account to listen (it's free). Find it here.

Handbell Choir

St. John’s Handbell Choir rehearses at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Contact James Wardlaw-Bailey for more information.