Have you remembered the church in your will,
like a child or grandchild?
SJUMC Permanent Endowment Fund
The St. John United Methodist Church Permanent Endowment Fund was established to provide members and friends the opportunity to make designated charitable gifts to SJUMC. The Fund is intended for church purposes not funded through the annual operating budget. The priorities for the use of the Fund support mission and outreach ministries, children and youth ministries, and worship ministries. Find our full Endowment brochure here.
SJUMC Planned Giving Guide
*Always consult a tax professional*
Read below, or download/print the full guide here
Cash: A gift of cash is a simple and easy way for you to make a gift . You may receive a charitable income tax deduction that will provide you with savings on this year's tax return. Benefit: May receive a charitable income tax deduction.
Appreciated Stock: By making a gift of your appreciated stocks and bonds, you can avoid paying capital gains tax that would otherwise be due if you sold these assets. Benefits: Avoid paying capital gains tax; may receive a charitable income tax deduction.
IRA Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) or IRA Charitable Rollover: At 73 years of age, contribute your annual required minimum distribution from your IRA, OR, at age 70 1/2, roll over up to $100,000 from your IRA. Benefits: Satisfy your annual RMD without first having to recognize the distribution as income, OR, perform a larger rollover without first having to recognize the distribution as income.
Appreciated Real Estate: If you own appreciated real property (such as your home, vacation property, vacant land or commercial property), you can avoid paying capital gains tax that would otherwise be due if you sold these assets. Benefits: Avoid paying capital gains tax; receive a charitable income tax deduction; leave a lasting legacy.
Appreciated Artwork: By making a gift of your appreciated artwork, you can avoid paying capital gains tax that would otherwise be due if you sold these assets. Benefits: Avoid paying capital gains tax; may receive a charitable income tax deduction.
Life Insurance: If your life insurance policy is no longer needed or will no longer benefit your survivors, consider making a current or future gift. Benefits: Income or estate tax deduction; possible income tax deductions for annual contributions to maintain the policy for the charitable cause.
Donor-Advised Fund: Make a gift of appreciated securities to a DAF. This type of fund allows flexibility of distributions to charity. Benefits: Might create an immediate income tax deduction; achieve flexibility and an ability to practice philanthropy on a regular basis.
Retained Life Estate: Donate your personal residence or farm, but continue to live there. Benefits: Possible charitable income tax deduction and lifetime use of your home or farm.
Retirement Plan: Avoid taxation on retirement plan assets. Benefit: Avoidance of heavily taxed gift to heirs.
Tangible Personal Property: Donate items such as vehicles, antiques, silver, collectibles, artwork, furniture, machinery and equipment. Benefit: Fair-market-value income tax deduction if there is a related use by the designated recipient.
Bequest in a Will: Maintain control of your assets during your life, make a gift to charity when you pass away. Benefits: Estate tax charitable deduction; life use and ownership of your property.
Living Trust: Make a deferred gift. Maintain access to your assets. Avoid probate. Benefits: Privacy, flexibility and control of the trust for your lifetime, and possible estate tax savings.
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust (CRAT): Irrevocable trust designated to receive fixed income for life. Avoid capital gains tax on the sale of your appreciated property. Potential tax savings from a charitable donation. Benefits: Fixed income for life or term of years; avoid capital gains tax on the sale of your appreciated assets; possible charitable income tax deduction for remainder portion of your gift.
Charitable Remainder Unitrust (CRUT): Irrevocable trust designated to receive fixed income for life. Avoid capital gains tax on the sale of your appreciated property. Potential tax savings from a charitable donation. Benefits: Income (a percentage of the value of the trust) each year or a term of years. Possible income growth over time. Avoidance of capital gains tax.
Charitable Lead Trust: An irrevocable trust designated to provide financial support to a charity for a period of time. Remaining assets eventually go to family members. Considered to be the inverse of a charitable remainder trust. Benefits: Gift or estate tax deduction; trust assets plus appreciation pass to family at a reduced cost.
Retirement Plan Programs: Be able to transfer this asset (full or remaining balance) to a person or charity after you pass away. Benefit: Use of this asset until you pass.