Get involved at St. John

It takes many hands. From Worship, to our gardens, to our vibrant programming for children, youth and adults - it all takes the work of many disciples. Here are just a few ways you can be involved:

Help with 49+ Lunch

Every 3rd Thursday of the month, people aged 49+ are invited to lunch at 12:00. Karen Divelbiss cooks for this, but she needs help with setup and cleanup - and occasionally needs a “guest chef.” It’s a fun and delicious way to volunteer! Contact the church office if you’re interested.

Sunday Cookies

Fellowship time is better with a cookie! Can you help supply cookies for one Sunday? Sign up here to bring 3 dozen peanut-free/nut-free cookies - they can be homemade or store-bought. Cookies will need to be brought to the church by 10 a.m. Sunday, or by noon Friday. 

Sunday Greeters

Are you looking for a chance to get involved at St. John, meet new friends, and be a welcoming presence in the community? If any of those apply to you, you’re ready to be a greeter on Sunday mornings! We’re hoping to get as many folks as possible involved, so if you’re available even one Sunday this year, reach out to Pastor Adam and they will get you on the schedule!

Worship Volunteers

Ushers, greeters, communion servers and liturgy readers are always needed on Sundays! Contact the church office if you’d like to serve in one of these ways.

Sanctuary ‘Angels

Are you willing to help keep the sanctuary spiffy? We need sanctuary “angels” to replenish Connect Cards and giving envelopes, remove old bulletins and organize the hymnals. Once a week or once a month - we would appreciate any help! Contact the church office.

Meal Train

What is the Meal Train? When life throws curve balls, providing a meal is a great way for your friends to help you out. Providing a meal does not always mean delivering a ready-to-eat meal. ​For more info or to sign up to help click here!

Garden Help

During spring and summer, we are always in need of people to help keep our gardens looking beautiful and welcoming.  Contact the church office for more information.


Music at St. John

Add to our worship and enrich our community. Opportunities to join are always present for our choir, bell choir, and praise band. Contact the office to find out more. You can also check out more about music at St. John by clicking HERE.

Mentor our children & youth

We are always looking for adults - young and old - who enjoy donating time to enrich the lives of our children and youth at St. John. Opportunities include Sunday School, Biblemania and Youth Group on Wednesdays, Vacation Bible School, childcare, and special events. If you would like to get involved, please contact Pastor Autumn Krueger. Please note that our Safe Sanctuary guidelines require background checks of all adults working with children.

Volunteer? No way. I’m too busy. That doesn’t interest me. If you would like to serve God but don’t know where or how, volunteer to assist with any kids group. It is a wonderful and amazing experience. I was hesitant to volunteer to assist with Biblemania. I’m so glad I said “Yes”. It is so much fun. All the different personalities and how they change in that hour. Even I change. Upon arrival of meeting, I’m tired & want to be home in my pajamas. When I leave I’m energized. What a great way to get over the winter blues and serve God at the same time. Volunteer!
— Colleen Cosgriff