Lenten's Journey begins …

By Betty Hertz, St. John Lay Leader

Have you ever used Google Maps and deviated from the chosen route? You hear a voice say, "Course correction. Recalculating route." For me, Lent is hearing God saying, "Time for course correction." Lent is a time for reflecting on my relationship with God through self-examination. The correction involves taking an inventory of my spiritual life and saying goodbye to things, thoughts, feelings, and actions that need to be left behind. This honest talk with God allows me to experience His healing and hear His plans for me. My faith reassures me God loves me regardless of my shortcomings. I can safely look within my heart, pray to let go of those things that make me cringe, and feel God's love surround me. I want to go beyond the "What am I giving up for Lent?" to "What am I giving up so I can make more room for God?" 

My inventory involves reflecting on the following questions and responding by taking action:

What do I do that puts a wedge between God and myself?

Make an honest list.

What do I engage in that brings my soul and heart closer to God?

Practice these often or start new practices if the list is short.

Who is God calling me to be?

Be still and listen.

The words from Sunday's Palms are Wednesday's Ashes (Faith We Sing, p.2138) speak to me about being cleansed and having a new heart.

(Verse 1)

Sunday's palms are Wednesday's ashes,

As another Lent begins,

Thus, we kneel before our Maker

 in contrition for our sins.

We have marred baptismal pledges,

 in rebellion gone astray;

Now, returning, seek forgiveness;

Grant us pardon, God, this day!

(Closing words From Verse 3)

Come and cleanse us, then restore us;

make new hearts within us, Lord!


Psalm 51:10 provides a daily focus this Lent:

"Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and put a new and right spirit within me."

To be more intentional in my daily focus, I am using Pauses for Lent: 40 Words for 40 Days by Trevor Hudson. I wonder what plans God will reveal to me during this Journey.

~ Betty Hertz, St. John Lay Leader