Reflection: What's in a Name?

By Betty Hertz, St. John Lay Leader

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35

As I read this I AM statement, I thought about how many times I have heard it and just glazed over. So, I paused to ponder what does Jesus mean by saying he is the bread of life?

Jesus made this statement the day after he performed the miracle of taking five loaves of bread and two fish and feeding more than 5,000 people. His followers showed up wanting more bread and another miracle. They reminded him that Moses provided daily manna as the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years. But Jesus corrected them by saying, “… it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven.” (John 6:32). He uses my Father to make the connection that Jesus is fully God and fully human. Further, he says true nourishment comes from consuming his words and teachings.


As I re-read the I AM statement, the word “never” caught my heart. I will never be hungry or thirsty if I partake of Jesus’ daily bread. Never? Wow!


In his book, The God We Can Know, author Rob Fuquay suggests some practices that can help feel the fullness of Jesus. One suggestion he makes is to focus on feeding rather than being fed. “… it is not just about what we do for others. It is about what doing for others can do for us.” (p.35). I am humbled when I hear God’s word from those whose struggles are many. A recent conversation with a guest at a shelter where I volunteer warmed my heart. I thought I was there to lift him and others up. Ha! He used a wheelchair since his foot had been amputated. But to hear him talk, life was good. He had a voucher to cover the first month’s rent and security deposit for an apartment for himself, his daughter, and her two sons. Between his disability income and his daughter’s job, they could afford to pay the monthly rent. What an example for me. I experienced being fed.


Closing thoughts from The God We Can Know Study Guide (p.15):

When we feel hungry for more of something—even when we’re not sure what that something is, we can remember that Jesus said:

I am the Bread of Life. Come to me and never be hungry.”

When we feel distracted by other means of fulfillment in the world, help us to remember that Jesus said:

I am the Bread of Life. Come to me and never be hungry.”

When we find ourselves feeling inadequate or incomplete in our daily lives, remind us     that we fill ourselves up on Jesus’ sustaining words.

I am the Bread of Life. Come to me and never be hungry.”  AMEN.


Reflection questions: 

What is your hunger? In what ways are you letting God feed you?