Reflection:  Exodus 3:1-14

By Betty Hertz, St. John Lay Leader

What’s in a name?

Exodus 3: 14 “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh” (The Five Books of Moses):


Does that sound familiar? No? How about this translation?

Exodus 3:14 “ I AM WHO I AM” (NSRV)

Why would one look at Exodus when studying the Jesus I AM statements in the Gospel of John? In the book “The God We Can Know,” author Rob Fuquay points out that Jesus knew his Hebrew audience would be familiar with the Exodus story. They would understand the importance of the name as God made his presence known to Moses. Being raised in Egyptian culture, Moses knew that names possessed authority and magical powers. He struggled to accept God’s call and needed assurance that the Hebrews would follow him.

As I looked at other sources regarding Exodus 3: 14, I was reminded there is no precise translation. I discovered several more possibilities, all containing some form of  “to be”:

One who brings others into being

The One who is

I will be

I will be however I will be

By looking at the Hebrew translation, I felt a deeper understanding of that verse. The idea of God being there, wherever there is, is powerful. What finally settled in my mind … God is saying I will be there for Moses, the people of Israel, and me! That reminder also brought up thoughts about times when I doubted God was there for me - my wandering in the wilderness. This Lent, I pray for the willingness to turn my doubts over more quickly and to hear God’s voice sooner.

From the hymn “In the Desert, on God’s Mountain” (Worship and Song, p.3029, verse 3):

“I AM THAT I AM” has called you, spoke the incandescent voice.

Moses felt that message searing to the heart of will and choice.

May we pause to answer summons;

 May we hear God’s burning voice.
