LGBTQ+ Outreach Team


Our Mission is to foster an environment of welcoming and inclusivity within St. John UMC to create a safe space for all people to come together as one in the all inclusive love of Jesus Christ. We strive to provide outreach and support to the LGBTQ+ community of Anchorage, with our gifts, service, prayers, witness, and presence, so that they know they are loved and truly welcome at St. John UMC.



June 23 is Pride Sunday with an Ice Cream Social after the 11:30 am service. Bring a topping to share!

June 26 – Pride Potluck in the Park (Goose Lake) 6--8pm

June 29 – Pride Parade – 11:30 am, line up at 10:30! Delaney Park Strip - meeting details TBA.