Kristin, Sophia, Kiearan, Douglas and Brian Anderson
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. – John 14:27 (NIV)
“Do Not Be Afraid.” Though the Bible states those 4 words as a phrase over 400 times… I am unable to practice that very well right now. There is much uncertainty, unknowns, questions, concerns, changes as the world continues to live into and through this COVID-19 pandemic.
I am living at a heightened level of anxiety, as many, if not all of us are. I am realizing my temper is extremely short (and I am not at all my ‘normal’ self) and anger and frustration are close by. Experiencing those emotions so much more frequently the past six weeks, sadness becomes a traveling companion. Sadness of who I am in the midst of these turbulent times, of who I am to myself and to my family. I am reeling through a roller coaster of emotions daily, sometime hourly, and fall into bed, earlier than normal, exhausted, only to wake up not feeling rested and the cycle continues through updates and an overload of information. How do I face today renewed? Joyful? Peaceful? Playful with my family? Supportive at work? Thankful of going to work?
I pause. I turn off the news. I close the computer and put my phone out of arms reach. I sit. Be. I open my arms for the children to climb into my lap with one or many books. I watch the trees as they begin to bud. Spring is bringing forth new life. Renewal and resurrection are happening during the Easter time.
“Do Not Be Afraid” is at the end of that verse. Working backwards I find encouragement and strength. “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” Ok. I’ll practice that too as I slowly re-read and listen, hear and become aware of my demeanor right now seeking to not be troubled by the external forces.
The verse begins with a Divine gift. Not offering or giving what we think we need, want, or desire through the understanding of the world, but on a deeper and more soul nourishing channel. A gift of immense measure. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.”
So I read this verse again slowly. Taking in a breath, holding and releasing before I begin reading. This time focusing and hearing the words in the present, not reading to get to the end. This creates space to turn down the pressure cooker, release the steam, and know the peace. So by the end of this verse, a mere 32 words later, I am open and ready to truly, deeply receive the words without trouble, without being afraid. Now I know peace. I experience peace that was left for me, that is a gift to me from above and from within… to you and for you as well. Know peace this day. Be at peace. Be peaceful.
Let us pray.
Creator, guide us as we seek the peace you offer us each day. Help our thoughts and actions to exhibit the reality of not being afraid as we choose to care for each other in new and vibrant ways through this time of change and challenge. Let our hearts not be troubled, let us be joyful in your presence, being present here and now in all we are and do. Amen.
Hello, I am Brian Anderson. I am married to Kristin Anderson and the father of three delightful children: Douglas, Kiearan and Sophia. I am the chaplain at Alaska Pacific University and also work at AK Child & Family as Spiritual Life Minister. We stay busy in the day-to-day cycles of our family life sharing plenty of laughter.