Maggie in an unusual moment of repose
“Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” - Romans 15:7
I try to walk my dog at least once a day. Not only for exercise for myself, and to give her a (small) outlet for her never-ending supply of energy, but also to witness her exuberance when we come across another four-legged friend.
Every dog is a friend to Maggie, our almost-2-year-old chocolate lab/pointer/mystery pup. She greets them by crouching so low her belly and head both rest on the ground, and she eyes the potential friend with unwavering attention. She literally will not budge until she’s had a chance to say hello. Then without warning, she pounces. Yup. Every time. My dog thinks she is a cat. This usually produces at least a chuckle out of the potential-friend’s owner, and once the doggy-friend is over the initial surprise, the two pups sniff and play and roll around for a minute before each of us continue on our walks.
As this time of physical distancing drags along, the prospect of seeing friends again has me almost as excited as Maggie. Like many of you, I’m sorely over this. I miss you, St. John! Yet as the time drags on, the things that are sustaining me (beside the grace of God) are the thoughtful, kind, and reassuring words from many of you. Whether it’s the surprise piece of mail, an encouraging email, or a quick update on how summer gardens are coming along, I’m encouraged, strengthened, and filled with hope through these brief, yet dearly cherished, interactions. In your reaching out, the glory of God is made known to me.
Have you ever been engaged in something when the name of someone you know pops into your head? Could be a close family member, a dear friend, or maybe someone you only really know peripherally? During this time of isolation, I’ve been attributing those cues to the work of the Holy Spirit ... As God reaching out and placing a name on my mind, an invitation to reach out and say hello, an opportunity to connect.
We can’t do this alone. We each need the support of others during this time. Who has reached out to you in compassion and support? Who have you reached out to?
This week, when that friend comes to mind again, take a moment and give them a call, write them a note, or send them a text. Let’s LIVE the love of God among us, let’s make the glory of God known in our welcoming. Not waiting for conditions to be right, but like Christ, making a way out of no way, going to the cross, not out of convenience, but out of love. Indeed, in the five minutes it takes to reach out, you may change another’s whole day. What better time to be the Body of Christ than now?
Holy God, give us confidence to reach out to those around us, that in our welcoming and in our sharing the glory of God might be known for all.
- Pastor Emily Carroll