By Betty Hertz
For some unexplainable reason, I am more tuned into Lent this year. Perhaps God is nudging me again? I find myself seeking ways to be more intentional about my observing this time of self-reflection.
Some questions about fasting came to mind. Does UMC fast during Lent? Why fast? How does one fast? Not having the answers to these inquires, I sought out that reliable person - Google!
John Wesley
At the UMC website I found answers to my questions. John Wesley believed in fasting at least once a week as a way to express sorrow for sin and seek forgiveness. He believed by doing this, more time for prayer became available. He also believed it was more meaningful when combined with giving to others.
UMC doesn’t have official guidelines for Lent as it is considered a very personal time of self-reflection. However, the Bible tells us about the spiritual preparation Jesus made as he wandered and fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness (Mark 1:13, Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13).
How do we fast? Many give up favorite food, but perhaps the “spirit of fasting” could include restricting activities … like unplugging from technology once a week. The second part of fasting is to take time from earthly things and make time for spiritual activities … praying, Bible reading, helping others. We open up time for self-reflection and growing closer to God.
Sources: UMC articles: “Unplugging, Fasting and Ancient Practices” and “What does the UMC say about fasting?”
Betty Hertz
Betty Hertz is a longtime member of St John UMC, a Stephen Minister and a member of SPRC. When not doing volunteer work, she is playing with her three goofy dogs.