“And let us consider each other carefully for the purpose of sparking love and good deeds. Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near.” - Hebrews 10:24-25
“Don’t stop meeting together.” Thanks. One of those instances that highlights how important it actually is to interpret scripture in light of current contexts. We cannot meet together, physically at least.
If your days are anything like mine, they are FILLED with Zoom meetings and FaceTime calls. We’ve actually done a decently good job at piecemealing life back together. Most remarkable, however, is the content of those gatherings. Nine times out of 10 the conversation is centered around how to *help* amid the crisis. People are jumping at the bit with ideas to bring encouragement, goodness and love to others in need. Whether it’s ordering Sal’s Stromboli (https://www.salsnewyorkgrill.com/stromboli-delivery) and supporting local businesses and restaurants, making SO MANY masks of all varieties, or coordinating shelter for homeless families, the overwhelming response of people in the crisis has been “for the purpose of sparking love and good deeds.” It seems, we are able to be community, even while apart.
Praise God :)
One of those expressions of community that has emerged is MANA - the Mutual Aid Network of Anchorage. Pastor Erin Day and many others have worked to connect people in need of aid with people willing to help. Most noteworthy, and probably most ordinary, about this is the mutual sharing of gifts. We each have things to give and we each have things we need.
If you are in need, or if you have something to give, or both(!) please fill out this form and you will be contacted: https://airtable.com/shrE0KzRWti59OHgR
We are still the body of Christ. With each member serving a different purpose, and with each member valued for exactly who they are.
Holy God, we give you thanks for the blessing of community and for the ways that you have called us to care for one another and encourage one another. We pray Your Spirit may be known in the gifts that are shared and the relationships that our found, that others may find their hope in your grace that extends over all. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
- Pastor Emily Carroll