Daily Devotional 4.30.20 Mary Alice Donaldson

Mary Alice and David Donaldson

Mary Alice and David Donaldson

 “Be strong and of good courage, be not frightened neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

This verse has sustained me for almost 40 years.

In 1981, while on our honeymoon driving from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, across the plains and through the mountains of Canada, it finally dawned on me just how far away Alaska was from all I knew. David sensed my “homesickness” and made up a tune to this verse from Joshua. We have continued to sing this verse and countless other scripture chorus’ and hymns of praise.

When David has seen my spirits start to sag over the years, and this past week in particular, he has encouraged me to sit down at the piano, gotten out his horn and joined me playing our favorite hymns. As a child, playing the piano, cello and singing in our church youth choir became my safe place of rest and comfort.

During this season of hunkering down it has been a challenge to not get stuck thinking about all the things we are missing. We have been grateful for the opportunity to worship together online. Hearing Andy, Emily, Freya and James lead us in worship, the choir singing “On Eagles Wings,” watching the wee ones wave their hands joyfully on Palm Sunday, listening to gifted liturgists (I was especially touched by Gabriel and Lorenzo last week) … all supported behind the scenes by the technology I do not understand but am extremely thankful for!

My days go so much better when I am able to start them with a quiet time of reading scripture and prayer. The pastor who married us, Dr. H. Pat Albright, always encouraged us to read a chapter of a gospel and a psalm before ever opening the newspaper.

“It is no accident that the Psalms, which are the devotional heart of Scripture, were written as songs. Music heals. Music carries words to their destination in an irreducible and powerful way ...The retrieval of the Psalms as song in Taize worship … or in the musical settings we find in hymn books reminds us that to “sing unto the Lord” is a commandment for a reason. The words call us to attention. The music deepens that attention into prayer.” - from “Word By Word” by Marilyn McEntrye

Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for your life given for us. Quiet our hearts so that we can hear your voice. Please continue to guide our steps and help us to find ways this day to share your light in our hurting world. Amen

Mary Alice and David Donaldson are retired longtime Anchorage School District music teachers who remain active playing their instruments in our community. They renewed their membership to St. John in 2015. maryalicedonaldson@gmail.com  907-306-0268