“Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11,14-15
The Meidel family
As I was preparing for one of my last business trips at the beginning of March, my wife, Natalie, gave me a travel pack of Lysol wipes (back when such was available!) and instructed me to wipe down my tray table, arm rests and light switch after boarding the airplane. I dutifully did as I was instructed but, honestly, I felt a little silly. But during the flight, I watched as a parent put their baby on their tray table and changed its diaper. ‘Wow’, I thought. ‘I think I’ll perform this little ritual whether there are COVID-19 concerns or not’! I guess I’m more aware now. A new normal perhaps.
During the ceremonial start to the Iditarod in Anchorage, I was hanging out at a private function and I saw an old friend unexpectedly. Excited to see him, I held out my hand. He reached out his elbow. It was awkward. He apologized. I apologized. I knew better; I was just glad to see him and had acted instinctively. We exchanged some pleasantries, but the conversation was definitely impacted. Another new normal perhaps.
And just last week, I made my weekly trip to the store. I’m the only one allowed to shop in my family since my work requires me to be away from the house on most days. From a bit of a distance, I saw an older woman, crouched over her cart as she made her way through the store. She stopped to cough. It was innocent enough, allergies perhaps, but people around her scattered like cockroaches when the light is turned on! I felt a tear. I wanted to reach out to her, put my arm around her and comfort her. But I didn’t. Like others, I went in a different direction. Will being afraid of everyone be a new normal too?
I’ve been thinking a lot about what will be ‘the new normal’. I have been consumed with thoughts of how this will end. Will we ever go back to how things were? After this period of ‘social distancing’ – perhaps a long period – when will it be OK to shake a hand? Who will tell us when it’s OK to hug someone in need without fear of putting our own selves at risk? I miss being in church, though the online services have been superb (thank you to all who make this possible). I miss holding hands, singing On Eagles Wings, and then wishing everyone a good week. Will we feel comfortable in that space anytime soon? Touching elbows, at least for me, was awkward at best. Now we can’t get within six feet of each other! What will ‘a new normal’ look like? What will ‘a new normal’ feel like?
As I write this, here in Anchorage, there are about 140 COVID-19 cases – about 1 case for every 2,000 people. There has been a COVID-19 related hospital stay that equates to 1 for every 16,000 people. And there’s been a COVID-19 related death equating to 1 for every 68,000 people. I grew up in a town of just 3,000 people. Such equivalents are meaningful to me and help me keep things in perspective! Please, don’t stop reading! I am not suggesting we are overreacting as we ‘hunker down’ and help to ‘flatten the curve’. To the contrary, within the realities of my work, my family is doing all that the governor and mayor have asked us to do. What I do worry about is the fear that’s been created about the virus; a fear that’s far more intense than the statistics justify. It is this overwhelming fear that causes me concern about how different ‘the new normal’ might be from what we viewed as ‘normal’ just a few short months ago.
Without ignoring risk, without setting risk aside, in what ways might we exit our rigid confines (figuratively if not physically) to make a difference on our street, in our neighborhood, and in our community? Perhaps that is as simple as a phone call, rather than an impersonal email or text, using our voice to bring someone joy and comfort. Maybe it’s reaching out to an elderly or vulnerable neighbor with an offer to do some of their shopping. Maybe it’s cooking a meal for someone who is alone. Maybe it’s sewing masks. And maybe it’s verbally reaching out to thank store clerks, restaurant workers and health care professionals for coming to work each day, while remembering that many of them have no choice.
There was a news story recently about a young woman heading into the grocery store who heard a woman yelling for help from her car at those passing nearby. The young woman went over to the car and the elderly woman said she and her husband were in their 80’s and were afraid to go into the grocery store. She handed the young woman $100 and a grocery list consisting of a few needed items. The young woman obliged and, when finished, put the groceries in the couple’s trunk. Her effort involved minimal physical interaction with the couple, but that effort had maximum touch. What would Jesus do? Jesus would do that!
Our lives should reflect the light of Jesus which, in turn, will cause people around us to glorify God. We must allow our lives to exude encouragement and hope. Let us step forward – while most are stepping back - to involve ourselves in the lives of others. Let us allow the compassion of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to lead us. May you stay safe. May you help others stay safe as well – physically, emotionally and spiritually.
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Rick Meidel, his wife Natalie and daughter Sarah moved to Alaska and began attending St. John in 2018. Rick is Vice-President & General Manager for Crowley Fuels, managing their fuel sales & distribution business across Alaska. Rick can be reached at meidy@me.com or 832-418-9200.