By Betty Hertz, St. John Lay Leader
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." Matthew 5:9 (NRSV)
When I read that passage in my Lenten study, I thought I do a good job being a peacemaker. But God nudged me with a question the meditation included, "Are you a peace-lover or a peacemaker?"
St. Francis's prayer, "Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace," helped me reflect on that question. Actions can bring peace. I thought, "I help others, so I am on the right path."
God, the Disrupter, threw a zinger at me as I read the Daily Practice suggestion: "Think of someone with whom you are not on good terms. Ask God, "Lord, how can I be a peacemaker in this relationship?" (Pauses for Lent, p. 29). Of course, I could name someone.
I asked myself, "How do I become a peacemaker with this person?" As I wrote, resentments surfaced. Long ago, I learned that resentments happen because I want a person to be a certain way instead of accepting them as they are.
Out of this writing and reflecting, I created a list starting with ASK GOD to help me be a peacemaker in this relationship by:
finding patience, compassion, and acceptance of this person
being a patient listener
examining the causes of the resentments and letting them go
loving this person who is a child of God
Loving God,
I thank you for your patience as I journey with you.
Open my heart to find ways to be a peacemaker in all parts of my life.
Teach me to change my critical thoughts to loving thoughts.
Remind me of your desire for peace on earth, which begins with me.
In your beloved son's name. Amen.