Reflection on Romans 14:19

By Betty Hertz, St. John Lay Leader

“So let’s strive for the things that bring peace and the things that build each other up.”

I heard 70+ enthusiastic VBS kids say this verse loud enough to raise the St. John roof! As often happens, I felt God’s thump on my head and heard this message: “Betty, how have you been doing with the words the children shared?”  God knew I needed a course correction.

I have been part of the Anchorage Assembly’s  Task Force on Sanctioned Allowed Campgrounds for the past few weeks. My frustration level increased at each session. Community members and nonprofit representatives shared creative solutions and developed well-thought-out plans. BUT the political process moved slowly and, at times, didn’t seem to be moving at all. I kept thinking about the unsheltered in our community whose basic needs weren’t being met. I wanted to scream, “Don’t you see Anchorage has a health and safety crisis?”

Did you hear me grumbling? Perhaps you mistakenly asked me how things were going and then listened to my ranting. When I heard Romans 14:19, I realized my thinking and grumbling weren’t bringing peace to my soul - much less I wasn’t building anyone up.

Then I accepted the reality – without a miracle - the resolution of the allowed camping issue won’t happen this summer. So, I asked myself, what can I do that will I build up others? I will seek out the volunteers already helping at the various camps and join them in their mission work. Of course, as I discover ways to help, I will share specific needs with my compassionate St. John family members.

Caring God,

Thank you for the wisdom of your words heard through the voices of our children.

Just as you give us unconditional love, guide us in ways to share that love with our unsheltered community members.

Help us find ways to build up each person we meet.

Give us strength to be disciples joyfully sharing your light.

In your beloved son’s name,

