Reflection on Grief

By Betty Hertz

As I think about the recent deaths of St. John family members, I recall my questions when I grieved. I remember asking myself, “If I truly believe in the resurrection, I should be happy my loved one is with God. What kind of Christian am I to be weeping?” I sometimes cried out, “How long will I hurt?”

The Bible provided me with some answers. John 11:35 “Jesus wept.” I now understand the power of those words. By  Jesus showing human emotions, He is giving us permission to be human in our grief. Being honest with God allows us to feel His presence in our pain.

In response to how long, my friends said, “As long as it takes.”  From Isaiah 41:10 “but fear not for I am with you.”  Psalm 18: 16 gave me hope, “He reached down from on high and took hold of me, he drew me out of deep waters.”

As I moved from darkness into light, the words from Hymn of Promise also gave me hope:

            “There’s a dawn in every darkness

            Bringing hope to you and me

            Unrevealed until its season

            Only God alone can see.” (UMH 707)


I knew the healing had begun when I could sing the words without crying.


God, the Great Comforter,

            We give thanks you are with us always.

            Help us trust in your strength to guide us as we grieve.

            Through you, the darkness will become light.

            In Jesus' name, Amen.

 St. John member Betty Hertz is a Stephen Minister and Certified Lay Speaker.