Sermon Postscript

St. John member and Certified Lay Speaker Betty Hertz gave the message this past Sunday, July 3. If you missed it, watch it here (at about the 27-minute mark).

By Betty Hertz

 A few thoughts about my message on Sunday, July 3 …

I could have told the story from the point of view of the Jewish teachers. What turmoil they faced. “The old laws have gone away.”

 When I listed the fruit, I said, “Gentleness is being humble by considering others’ needs and hurts.” I thought, “I believe I am sensitive to others’ needs, but how about their hurts?” Just as they haven’t experienced mine, I haven’t experienced theirs. I need to be a better listener, so I understand views opposing mine.

My path to becoming a Certified Lay Speaker (CLM) started by taking the Basic Lay Servant course and the Preaching course in 2020 as one way to maintain some sanity during the pandemic. Then I learned about the United Methodist CLM program and felt a desire to take the additional courses. The classes included Prayer, UMC Polity, UMC Beliefs, Worship, and Gifts. I didn’t see myself being a “supply pastor” but wanted to learn more. The online courses through Be A challenged me and nudged me on the path God has set for me.

If you feel stalled on God’s path for you, I encourage you to talk to one of the pastors or me about moving forward to love and serve God and your neighbor.

A great way to start is to take the Basic course and the Preaching course, which Pastor Andy will teach this Fall.

 This verse from Ephesians 2:10, taken from The Inclusive Bible, humbles me and reminds me who is in charge.

 “We are God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus to do the good things God created us to do from the beginning.”


All Knowing-One,

 Thank you for the gifts you give us.

Help us listen to Your Plan

And guide us on Your Path.

In the name of Jesus, the Great Teacher, Amen.

Register here for Pastor Andy’s Certified Lay Ministry BASIC Class. Register here for the CLM Preaching Advanced Class. Please note that the BASIC class is a prerequisite to the Preaching class.