Advent in a new light

By Betty Hertz

St. John Lay Leader


I hear those words during Advent as the candles are lit each Sunday. Sometimes my heart feels warm, but sometimes my heart feels heavy. December brings back memories of sad times and challenging times. I ask myself, “If you say you have faith, why are you feeling down? Jesus’ birth is about hope, peace, joy, and love.”

After I lift my judgmental thoughts, I am reminded: “God does not promise that we shall be spared suffering but does promise to be with us in our suffering.” (UMBOW p. 613). So I cry while feeling God’s loving arms around me. I find comfort in the words from the hymn Near to the Heart of God (UMH p.472):

There is a place of quiet rest, near to the heart of God.

There is a place of comfort sweet, near to the heart of God.

There is a place of full release, near to the heart of God.

“Quiet rest, comfort sweet, full release” … what more do I need?

 With these thoughts, I experience the four Advent candles in a new light. On my Advent wreath, the words are expressed this way:

           Share Hope

           Live in Peace

           Spread Joy

           Celebrate Love

Reflecting on this, I experience renewed faith, knowing God is always with me.

Dear Friends,

           I pray you find comfort in this verse from Romans 15:13:

May the God of hope fill you with such peace and joy in your faith

that you may be filled with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
