Daily Devotional 3-19-20

Jesus said, “Come away with me to a quiet place all by yourselves and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went away in the boat to a deserted place by themselves.”  Mark 6:31-32

Many of us are squirreled away in our homes, figuring out internet connectivity for work and school, glued to the TV or our favorite web news sites, and trying to understand this unprecedented reality of social-distancing we are experiencing.

But if you are like me, it feels like anything BUT quiet, and so I'd like to encourage you to try something. Make some space for quiet today, and every day this week. Turn off the electronics. Turn off the media. For one whole hour, embrace some quiet, alone or together as a family. Take a break from the induced stress of the news media. Cook a meal together. Read a book (or the Bible!?) Try your hand at writing a poem or prayer.

Interestingly, in the Scripture above, it is only in instructing the disciples to first take a break and get some rest, that their eyes are clearly opened to the needs of others around them. If you take some time alone or as a family, in the quiet, to rest in God's grace, you may be surprised at what God reveals to you in that time of rest. I guarantee - your heart, your mind, and your soul will be better for it.

Lord God, in this time of uncertainty, help us to turn off the extraneous noise each day. Help us to set time apart to focus on rest, to focus on love of family, and to just be in your quietness. Reveal to us the ways you are calling to us to grow in love of You and neighbor, this we ask in Jesus name. Amen.

All grace and peace,

Pastor Andy