Sometimes life is happy
Sometimes life is sad
Sometimes we feel good
And sometimes we feel bad
No matter what we feel
No matter what we do
God loves me and you
If someone hurts you
or you make a mistake
Take some time to cry and boo-hoo
But remember, God is coming with something GREAT!
And our job is to sit back and wait
Sometimes when we're waiting
We might feel angry or sad
God's goodness helps
Way more than just a tad
Like flowers come from the dirt
And the sun shines in the darkness
God helps those who are hurt
This week remember
The God who created you
Can take all the lovely or yucky stuff in the world
And make it into beauty
Like laughter, flowers, and babies who coo
When it gets hard to cope
Jesus followers have Hope
Our tears can help heal our souls
And that’s not the soles of our feet!
God takes our sad cries
And makes our heart into something neat!