11:30am Worship Prayground

Dear friends,

This past summer, we tried a new thing in the 11:30am contemporary worship service called a “Prayground.” In an effort to engage children in worship, we set up a small area towards the front of the sanctuary with quiet activities for children to engage with during the worship service. By and large, this worked very well throughout the summer with just a few little hiccups along the way.

This past Sunday we recognize the “Prayground” did not work as well. Please know that we not only recognize the need for children to experience worship, but we also recognize that other worshipers need to be able to hear and concentrate on what the preacher is teaching so that they too may experience God’s grace in and through worship.

Please know that we will be working to make some changes in the weeks ahead to try and find the right balance for children, youth, and adults in our 11:30am contemporary worship, and we invite you, the congregation to help be a pro-active and positive part of the conversation with us.

Thank you so very much for you grace and patience as we try to do a new thing to grow disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, and to be a welcoming family joyfully sharing God’s light.

Andy Bartel, Lead Pastor
Emily Carroll, Pastor of Discipleship & Justice
Erynne Devore, Director of Children & Family Ministries
Robbie Brawner, Director of Youth & Family Ministries