As United Women in Faith we are a powerful, fearless force driven by God’s love and united in sisterhood with a focus on women, children and youth. We act for justice and transform communities. We invite United Methodist and other like-minded women to join us, because love in action can change the world.

AUWF Annual Gathering

The Alaska United Women in Faith's Annual Gathering will be Sept. 30-Oct. 2 at St. John UMC. The theme is "Finding Joy in Faith and Action: Changing the World From Where We Are." Retired Deaconess Fran Lynch will be doing a two-part bible study. The scripture focus is Romans 15:4-6 and James 2:14-17.  

While we would love to have everyone physically present, we are offering Zoom as well. Masks are encouraged and we will make every attempt to provide safe space for us all. Register here.

Showered in Grace is a mobile shower trailer used to offer showers to the homeless in and around the Anchorage area. They will be the recipient of the tangible giving with supplies such as soap, shampoo, etc. There will also be a silent auction and an online auction with proceeds going to AK Child and Family and Nome Community Center.

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2nd Saturdays

The United Methodist Women gather to enjoy fellowship every second Saturday of the month at 9:30 a.m.  All are welcome to join us as we chat about life and the world around us and seek to inspire faith, hope, and love in action!. For more information, contact Debbie Pintsch at or Linda Heim at

Useful links: