Charity Quilts Workday, Sept 8th
September 8th is the next Charity Quilts workday as we continue our outreach mission. If you are interested in being a part of this mission, please come join us at 10:30 a.m. There will be a job for anyone who would like to help even if you are not a quilter. We will be working on small quilts for several different organizations. Bring a bag lunch, and plan on having fun.
We will meet the second Saturday of the month. Come out and join us..
St. John Charity Quilting Group in the News!
St. John United Methodist Church Charity Quilting Group led by Diane Miller has been creating Kid Comfort Quilts for deployed service members for over six years. In 2017 the quilting group at St. John UMC donated their time, talents, and treasured materials to over 130 Operation Kid Comfort projects which directly benefit Alaska military families.