General Conference 20/24 Report 1

By Lonnie Brooks

The United Methodist Church lives connectionally primarily through a hierarchically structured system of conferences, at the top of which is the General Conference. It is the sole body of the Church with authority to speak for the whole Church, and it has the authority to adopt the laws that govern how the Church functions.

The General Conference is made up of delegates selected by each of the regional conferences throughout the world which are called annual conferences. The number of delegates allowed from each annual conference varies roughly with the size of the annual conference, meaning that the more members an annual conference has, the more delegates it has to the General Conference, with the additional provision that no annual conference has fewer than two delegates.

The bishops of the Church preside over the sessions of the General Conference which normally meets once every four years for about two weeks. One of the effects of the COVID pandemic was to preclude the regular meeting of the General Conference that was scheduled to take place in 2020. So, that meeting was delayed by four years, and the meeting of the General Conference that has now convened in Charlotte, North Carolina, has been declared to be the postponed session of General Conference 2020, not the General Conference of 2024.

Lonnie Brooks, a member of St. John and a lay reserve delegate to the General Conference, is offering his insights on daily sessions.

Day 1:

"I think the opening skirmish in the contest over regionalization at the United Methodist General Conference has just been engaged, and in what should be no surprise, the institutional position of supporting the Christmas Covenant proposal without amendment has carried the day.

The Alaska Conference submitted a petition that called for amending the Christmas Covenant in a couple of ways. First, we expanded it to include regionalization in North America by replacing the existing five jurisdictions with three Regional Conferences, one of which would also include British Columbia, and second, we included some provisions that were in the regionalization proposal from the Connectional Table that were not in the Christmas Covenant's legislation.

You can find our petition here:

To see a graphic that depicts the effect of the proposed regionalization in North America, you can follow this link:

Because the opening sentence in the petition referred to a petition previously submitted and recommended the Alaska petition be substituted for that one, the Petitions Secretary ruled the Alaska petition to be out of order and didn't assign a number or include it in the Advance Edition of the Daily Christian Advocate (ADCA). Alaska appealed that decision to the General Conference's Committee on Reference (COR).

Today the COR considered Alaska's appeal and received oral testimony from Alaska lay delegate, Jo Anne Hayden, and from Abby Parker Herrera, the Petitions Secretary, and it upheld Parker Herrera's rejection of the petition.

There is no other petition on offer that represents any real alternative to the Christmas Covenant. And that means that amending the Christmas Covenant legislation in the Legislative Committee, either by substitution or piece by piece, is the only way forward for those who want to see regionalization adopted but in a more complete manner than that proposed by the Christmas Covenant.

The Alaska petition does NOT propose full regionalization of the episcopacy, though it does make a move in that direction by proposing to amend ¶49 of the Book of Discipline by moving election of bishops to the Regional Conferences and deleting all the provisions in that paragraph relating to transfer from one Regional Conference to another of those bishops, essentially leaving that matter up to the General Conference to determine by majority vote outside the Constitution. I have submitted other petitions that are included in the ADCA that complete the regionalization of the episcopacy.

This decision of the Committee on Reference is highly significant, and it might well signal how the General Conference leadership is going to engage in this issue of regionalization."

Portions of the General Conference will be live streamed, and you can watch and listen by following this link:

Reflection: Do You See Them?

By Betty Hertz, St. John Lay Leader


13 She (Hagar) answered God by name, praying to the God who spoke to her, “You’re the God who sees me!”

              Genesis 16:13 (The Message)


As Pastor Andy shared Hagar’s words, he asked us to really see one another as beloved children of God. My thoughts turned to our neighbors who are Anchorage’s unseen. Once again, they are facing displacement.


This reminded me of the summer of 2020 when our sisters and brothers were bused to Centennial Park. After a disastrous summer there, they were bused back to Sullivan Arena for the winter. As I watched that event, my heart was heavy. Through my tears, I wrote this poem.



Do You See Them?


Them on the street corners

Them begging.


Humans in need of shelter and food.


Them drinking

Them trashing surroundings.


Humans in need of mental health care.


Them dirty

Them not working.


Humans in need of showers and an address

So they can apply for work.


Them living in tents

Them lining up for free clothes.


Humans who had to leave unsafe homes.


Do you see Them?


Do you see Humans?


Reflection: How is God calling us to see and serve God’s children in need?


God, who sees us,

Open our eyes to see all humans as you see them.

Give strength to our sisters and brothers as they seek safe shelter.

Guide us in ways to serve your children who are in need.

In your beloved Son’s name,


Post Lenten Reflection: Lenten Season is over...or is it?

Yes, the church calendar has moved from Lent to Easter Season, and the altar colors are now white and gold. For me, Lent was about looking at my faith journey and finding new ways to let God in my heart. That didn’t stop with Easter Sunday. This week, I reflected on what I shared with you during Lent. From all those words, what was the common thread? A God message came to me: “Make room for Me every day so I can feed your soul.”

I thought about some new experiences I had during Lent. I studied The Lord’s Prayer through an online course using the book Pray Like Jesus by Don Underwood. Each day, we meditated on one phrase of the prayer, and I did experience God feeding my soul. What a great way to make room for God and let Him be my daily focus.

The author said the phrase, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven,” is God’s vision and mission for Christians. We were asked how we practice God’s kingdom and will on earth. Then, we wrote a personal mission statement based on how we believe we can fulfill that mission. As I tried to figure out my mission, I had to dig deep, and that took me back to my Spiritual Gifts Inventory. Perhaps you have taken that inventory and even taken it more than once. When sharing the results, great discussions have happened about how we each have different gifts. As Romans 12:4-5 reminds us:

For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them.

I struggle with the inventory results each time because Leadership surfaces, and I find myself saying, “No, I would rather fly under the radar than lead.” Then I surrender and accept that God gave me this gift as part of His plan for me. So, I take leadership roles. With humility, I share my mission statement:

My purpose: I will share my faith with others through my God-given gift of leadership.

My passion: I will serve my community’s unhoused sisters and brothers through my gifts and presence.

Reflection: What is your mission as you love and serve your God and love and serve your neighbor?

Living God,

Through the words of the hymn He Lives,

You remind us:

We serve a risen Savior,

We see His hand of mercy,

We know He lives within our hearts.

May we share our faith through our words and actions.

In your beloved Son’s name


My pen will rest for a while, but I know you have stories to tell. I encourage you to take a risk like I have and share your faith experiences with the pastors, myself, and the congregation.

Lenten Reflection: What happened On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday?

By Betty Hertz, St. John Lay Leader

Just when I think I have some questions answered, more surface.  I thought about Holy Week as I was copying a paper cross to share with some friends. The cross was a palm leaf made into a cross with the cross empty. Well, that's easy--Palm Sunday to Easter in one image. That is when I paused. I know Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Saturday night vigil, and Easter, but what about the early part of the week?

In rereading  Matthew 21-28, I discovered I had blended one day into another without any thought to each day's significance. By rereading, I separated the activities of Jesus during each day. Not all Biblical scholars agree about the days' division, but viewing each day gives me more understanding.

On Monday, Jesus returns to Jerusalem and cleanses the temple of those selling and buying in the temple.

Matthew 21:13 - "it is written 'my house shall be called a House of prayer'; But you are making it a den of robbers."

He also cured the blind and lame who came to him in the temple, and then he returned to Bethany.

On Tuesday, Jesus returns to Jerusalem. He meets with the upset temple leaders. They question him, and, in true Jesus style, he turns the questions on them.  Then he starts teaching by sharing several parables that we are familiar with: The Two Sons, The Wicked Tenants, The Wedding Banquet. The leaders unsuccessfully tried to trick him by asking him more questions. He returned to Bethany.

On Wednesday, Jesus spent the day in Bethany with his disciples doing more teaching (Matthew 24-26). This day is also known as "Spy Wednesday" because this was the day when Judas conspired to hand Jesus over. When Mary of Bethany visited Jesus, she anointed him with a costly oil:

But when the disciples saw it, they were angry and said, "Why this waste? For this ointment could have been sold for a large sum, and the money given to the poor." 10 But Jesus, aware of this, said to them, "Why do you trouble the woman? She has performed a good service for me. 11 For you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me. (Matthew 8-11)

Holy Week—a week of cleansing, teaching, sharing, and preparing.

Prayer for Wednesday of Holy Week from the Book of Worship 348:

Most merciful God,

Your blessed Son, our Savior, was betrayed, whipped, and his face spat upon. Grant us grace to endure the sufferings of the present time, to overcome all that seeks to overwhelm us, confident of the glory that shall yet be revealed. Through Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen

Lenten Reflection: Jesus Wept

By Betty Hertz, St. John Lay Leader

"Jesus wept." (John 11:35)

He wept! Why? For a long time, I understood this to mean Jesus wept because his friend Lazarus was dead. However, reading the whole chapter, I understood that Jesus planned to raise Lazarus as another miracle done by the Human One. So, what was the weeping about? He showed Mary, Martha, and others his human nature and his compassion for them.

From Pauses for Lent, (p.41), "His tears remind us that God weeps with us, grieves with us, and suffers with us." What a gift from God!

After my husband died, I couldn't get through a church service without tears flowing. Forget about singing Eagle's Wings! In a conversation with Pastor Andy, I shared that I couldn't stop the tears during worship. He responded, "Perhaps that is where you feel closest to God and feel His love."  What a peace-giving thought. My pools of tears are okay because God is wrapping his loving arms around me and helping me find hope out of despair.

Lord, Hear My Prayer:

Turn to me, God, and have mercy on me

because I'm alone and suffering.

My heart's troubles keep getting bigger—

Set me free from my distress.  (Psalm 25:16-17, CEB}