Welcome to St. John United Methodist Church
The Mission of St. John United Methodist Church is to grow disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, and to be a welcoming family, joyfully sharing God’s light.
We believe that you belong to God. We strive to be a welcoming family, and to celebrate the diversity each person brings, but like all families, we are not always so successful. Our members are politically diverse, but united by the love of God. We try hard to love and serve our neighbors and community. No matter your doubts and questions, your race or ethnicity, your political persuasions, your age, economic status, physical or mental abilities, your sexual orientation, your gender identity, no matter whom you call family, we hope to welcome you into the St. John family. We invite you to come as you are, for you are loved by God.
What’s Happening
Coming March 30
On Sunday, Pastor Andy Bartel brings the message “Dependent on the Vine". Sunday worship services are at 8:00, 9:15 and 11:30 a.m. The later two services are livestreamed on YouTube.
Donation of cold weather gear needed
Donation Sunday is April 6. There is a need for cold weather gear - jackets, boots, hats, gloves, socks, clothes, and snack items. As always, monetary donations are greatly appreciated! Please consider helping assemble snack bags in between all three services.
Spring Hill Easter dinners
Once again St. John is collecting funds to provide grocery gift cards to Spring Hill Elementary School families for Easter. Our goal this year is to raise $4000. Find the dropdown on our online giving platform or send a check to the church office with the memo "Spring Hill Easter." Thank you for helping these families have a wonderful Easter dinner!
Lenten spiritual practices March 18-April 15
Do you feel like your prayer practices are dry and empty? Do you want to grow in your communication with God this Lenten season? Over the spiritual journey, we need to learn different ways to encounter the Divine so that we can grow closer together. Pastor Autumn and Colleen Runty are hosting space to try out and play with different spiritual practices during Lent on Tuesdays from 4-5 p.m. in the prayer room (Room 161) starting March 18 and ending on April 15.
Parent’s Night Out
Need a date night? Let St. John youth watch your kids on Saturday, March 29, from 5 to 8 p.m. RSVP with Pastor Autumn by March 26. Suggested donation $40 per child/$80 per family. All proceeds support youth service projects.
Wednesday Night Supper
This week’s menu is chicken parmesan and strawberry pretzel pie. Supper starts at 5:15 and runs until “about” 6:00 or 6:15. Suggested donation is $10/plate and $5/half plate but please just pay as you can. Gluten free and vegetarian options are available.
Worship band song list is growing on Spotify
Our praise band literally ROCKS! Do you love singing along with them on Sundays but are not sure how the song goes? Well, now you can practice ahead of time! Our band leaders post Sunday's songs on a Spotify list a few days before worship. You can view this week’s songs or choose from a growing library of songs the praise band plays here. You'll need a Spotify account to listen (it's free).
Greeters needed!
Are you looking for a chance to get involved at St. John, meet new friends, and be a welcoming presence in the community? If any of those apply to you, you’re ready to be a greeter on Sunday mornings! We’re hoping to get as many folks as possible involved, so if you’re available even one Sunday this year, reach out to Pastor Adam at pastoradam@stjohnanchorage.org and they will get you on the schedule!
Do you have our church app?
St. John has a new church app! Find all the important things in one place – current events, our Giving link, the Connect Card, the newsletter, the prayer chain and more. If you enable notifications, you can receive important announcements such as “Wednesday Night Supper and activities canceled due to snowstorm.” (We promise not to blast out too many notifications.)
Interested? Go to your app store and search for Ministry Keeper. The logo is gold with a black MK (see image above). Or use the links here for Appleand Android. When searching for our church, type in St. John United Methodist Church – and be sure to include the period in “St.” Check it out and let us know what you think!
St. John is hiring
If you have interest in working with the children or youth program at St. John (or know someone who does), please contact the church office.
Pickleball is on Sundays and (most) Thursdays!
Come play pickleball on Sundays in the gym from 1 to 3 p.m. and Thursdays from 7 to 9 p.m. (except 3rd Thursdays). All levels are welcome.
Cookies for Sundays
Fellowship time is better with a cookie! Can you help supply cookies for one Sunday? Sign up here to bring 3 dozen peanut-free/nut-free cookies - they can be homemade or store-bought. Cookies will need to be brought to the church by 10 a.m. Sunday, or by noon Friday.
Monthly Mobile Food Pantry
St. John’s Mobile Food Pantry is every 3rd Thursday of the month at 5 p.m. in the church parking lot. The next one is April 17. To volunteer at St. John’s MFP, sign up here.
To find other resources for food in Southcentral, check the Food Bank of Alaska website or F.I.S.H. (Friends in Serving Humanity). For other types of assistance, call 2-1-1 or go to Alaska211.org.